Calling all Jews and Christians across the world – join the discussion on if Jesus is for the Jews!
There is a controversy abroad… Some say Jesus is for Christians and Judaism is for Jews – we should not try to change people or impose foreign things upon them.
Yet what if there is a universal Way that is given by the Creator of ALL, constituted by certain moral standards and principles, that applies to ALL humanity, because we are ONE human race made of the same stuff – same desire to be treated right, and hopefully the same desire to love others and love whoever put us here to begin with.
Having said that…
There is a people who have kept sacred writings of the beginning of time and Who set this all in motion. Who is this people? The blood descendants of Abraham, chosen by the Creator to record the history of Creation and how He set about to create a People that would grow and grow and spread His righteous Way into the world. These ways have come to been known as the TORAH. Granted, many commandments are centric to the land of Israel and the tabernacle/temple sacrifical system of worship, yet many commandments logically go forth abroad to the nations to instruct us in how to live right – for example, the Ten Commandments, for starters.
After this People was established, there came One who taught this Torah – love God and love neighbor with the rest of the commandments hanging on those two, who followed it perfectly, who was called Rabbi, who amazed the people of Israel, who taught with authority and backed His words up with a demonstration of God’s power to heal any sickness, revive the dead, and order bad spirits to leave people and stop tormenting them.
This person is known as Jesus to the English-speaking world, but He was born to Miriam, a Jewess, and His original name would have been something more like YESHUA.
He did not teach against Judaism, only against the hypocrisy of man-made commands that contradicted the actual commands of HaShem. He taught the Torah.
I am asking for any Jewish person to consider Yeshua’s legitimacy as the ultimate Sacrifice for humanity’s sin described in your very own scripture – Isaiah chapter 53. Please consider and bring any doubts or questions or counter-argument you have to the table, and comment below to start the discussion!!
YES, Christianity hijacked by HaSatan has persecuted and killed Jews in History, yet now as Christians around the world are understanding the importance of the Torah and the Jewish roots, will not you too consider the possible importance of this Yeshua of Natseret, and His claims?
Berakhot L’khem.